Trust in the ‘mainstream’ media continues to collapse amid a torrent of fake news and fabricated narratives

If Americans learned one thing in 2016 it is that they can no longer trust the so-called “mainstream” media anymore, especially when it comes to so-called “reporting” on political, cultural and social issues of the day.

America’s entertainment, media and academic institutions have long been dominated by Left-wing kooks and hacks who create stories and issues out of thin air in order to push their narrow-minded, hate-filled agenda of domination and control of the masses. But increasingly, more Americans are beginning to see these people and their institutions for that they are: Charlatans and phonies who have to invent issues and create division because they cannot compete in the realm of ideas.

Part of their strategy, then, is to fake the news. Here is a tally of the most outrageous lies and acts of journalistic deceit in recent weeks:

— ‘The Russians hacked the election’: In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s second presidential loss, the Obama administration and the media had to come up with some way to a) explain why she lost (because it couldn’t be due to Trump being a better candidate!), and b) de-legitimize Trump’s victory.

So, the first narrative emerged just days after the election, when the Washington Post “reported” that some group nobody ever heard of was claiming Russian intelligence used our news agency and a couple hundred others as propaganda tools, to Trump’s advantage. It didn’t take long for the story was completely debunked.

So the narrative became, “Russia hacked the election” by allegedly stealing data from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, then giving it to WikiLeaks to release. Oh, the Russians stole data from the Republican National Committee, too, The New York Times claimed, they just chose not to release it because Vladimir Putin and Trump are best buds.

Except, according to then-RNC spokesman Sean Spicer, now chosen to be Trump’s press secretary, the RNC’s systems were not hacked—a detail Spicer said the Times refused to accept.

— Made-up Russian ‘retaliation’: Nevertheless, based on the phony hacking narrative, President Obama slapped new sanctions on Russian intelligence and other assets, which many believe was just an attempt by a lame-duck president upset his chosen successor didn’t win the election to muck things up for the Trump administration.

But it gets better. CNN—one of the most discredited of all the establishment press outlets—reported that Putin ordered an Anglo-American school in Moscow closed in retaliation for Obama’s actions.

Didn’t happen. Completely made-up story, as Infowars reported.

— Faked ‘quotes’ from WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange: In late December, The Guardian, one of Britain’s most Left-wing newspapers, published demonstrably false claims regarding Assange.

As Breitbart pointed out, the paper selectively edited quotes from Assange to make it sound as though he praised Trump while ‘blasting’ Clinton. “Both of these claims are provably false within The Guardian’s own article and are a blatant misrepresentation of Assange’s statements,” Breitbart reported.

Even Guardian reporter and co-founder of The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, noted that the interview quotes were doctored and completely false.

— The A & E network fabricated a KKK ‘documentary’ show: Perhaps some of these other phony narratives can be forgiven by some, since they were political in nature. But when you fake a story about the supposed prevalence of the KKK, that is sinister beyond any reasonable doubt.

Yet, that’s just what the A & E network did. As reported exclusively by Variety, some of the subjects involved in the making of the documentary—which was abruptly canceled by the network recently—say significant portions of what was filmed by producers was fabricated.

“Some KKK leaders divulged that they were paid hundreds of dollars in cash each day of filming to compel them on camera to distort the facts of their lives to fit the documentary’s predetermined narrative: tension between Klan members and relatives of theirs who wanted to get out of the Klan,” Variety reported. They even paid these subjects to use the ‘N-word.’

Like I said, sinister. The only reason why producers would have to fake a ‘documentary’ about the Ku Klux Klan is to stoke ethnic hatred and division among Americans. That’s pathetic.

“Today, the KKK is almost non-existent. But to keep the fears of the KKK alive, left-wing propagandists, filmmakers and show producers have to keep fanning the flames of the KKK, even if it means faking KKK ‘documentaries’ while paying actors to spout racist lines using the word ni@@er,’” wrote Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. “While all this is going on, nearly every KKK ‘hate crime’ in America turns out to be a total hoax.”

The establishment media has no credibility today and that’s its own fault. Dominated by Left-wing hacks instead of journalists, the MSM has no one to blame but itself for the high degree of mistrust in the media today in general.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

