01/29/2019 / By Isabelle Z.
Have you ever read a story in the news that made you physically ill? For some people, this has been happening more often than usual lately – and it’s not horror stories of evil pedophiles making people’s stomachs turn this time. Instead, it’s the blood-thirsty mainstream media, doing its best to inspire panic by portraying life under President Trump in the worst light possible.
In a recent piece on Consortium News, writer Caitlin Johnstone takes a close look at “Trump Anxiety Disorder.” If you use social media, you’ve surely seen the comments from people who say they are physically unwell reading about Trump’s latest travails – and the mainstream media is all too happy to ensure the masses feel that way. We’ve all seen those photos of young kids allegedly separated from their parents at the border, complete with captions and comments designed to pull at the heartstrings, blindly re-tweeted by celebrities to their thousands of followers.
Last year, Canada’s CBC News reported on “Trump Anxiety Disorder” – an illness they say might not be an official diagnosis but is nevertheless one that therapists are all too aware of these days. After stating that the feelings of politics-related stress were on the rise in the months after the election, CBC said it was “maybe not surprising given the relentlessly negative headlines and politically divisive climate.”
Whether it was Trump’s attitude toward women, his stance on immigration or the wall, or his Supreme Court picks, it really has been negative headline after negative headline. Even those who support him are reporting strong feelings of social isolation – in other words, it’s making everyone sick.
Placing the blame squarely on the mainstream media, Johnstone writes: “If the mass media were in the business of reporting facts, people would be no more worried about this administration than they were about the previous ones, because when it comes to his administration’s actual behavior, he’s just as reliable an upholder of the establishment-friendly status quo as his predecessors.”
The American Psychological Association’s 12th annual “Stress in America” survey, which was carried out in August 2018, revealed that those aged 15 to 21 are the most likely of all generations right now to report poor mental health, with significant stressors being identified as gun violence and sexual harassment – topics the mainstream media loves to harp on even though, for example, opioids are killing more people than guns. School shootings, for example, are a significant source of stress for 74 percent of parents and 58 percent of young people. Remember David Hogg? The leftist media embraced this Parkland high school student, using him to help push their social agenda, while largely ignoring the fact that Big Pharma drugs are killing young people left and right.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media has immigrants terrified about a sudden wave of deportation, even though a report from the Migration Policy Institute shows that arrests by ICE in 2017 were roughly half the number seen during Obama’s peak years of 2010 and 2011.
Some of the other topics that are causing Generation Z youth to feel stressed include climate change and global warming (58 percent) and rises in suicide rates (62 percent) – it’s ironic, then, that many depressed young people are turning to antidepressants, which mainstream news outlets conveniently forget to mention actually raise a person’s suicide risk.
It’s not at all surprising that stress is at an all-time high. Life tends to throw all kinds of stressful situations at us, and while concern about the future of your country and the world in general is certainly justified even under the best of circumstances, inducing anxiety among the populace in hopes of furthering your own political agenda is a special breed of evil that should not be tolerated. With stress linked to a host of health problems ranging from heart disease and obesity to depression and gastrointestinal problems, the media is literally making us sick.
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Tagged Under: Anxiety, CNN, Collapse, depression, disinfo, fake news, Immigration, Journalism, mainstream media, media fact watch, mental health, news cartels, political agenda, political stress, propaganda, shootings, society, stress, Trump, Trump Anxiety Disorder, WashPost