News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
CNN – the Conspiracy News Network
Remember before Edward Snowden revealed that NSA was spying on every single American, recording and data-basing all phone calls, emails, and social media posts via their “PRISM,” that if you said the U.S. Government was unconstitutionally violating the privacy of all Americans, you were labeled a conspiracy theorist by CNN? Remember that? Now, after two-and-a-half […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 TRUTH topics you never hear or see on lame-stream “MSM” media
Since CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are all funded and controlled by Big Pharma and Big Food, they are forbidden from publishing and broadcasting the truth about several massively important topics. The same goes for most major newspapers in this country, and most of the popular websites. What’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Attack of the FAKE NEWS on your mind, your health and your safety
Fake news is scripted, staged, planned, promoted, and never retracted after being revealed as such. Fake news appears in many forms, including on television, via social media, featured on major websites, and it’s spewed from the mouths of most of the outspoken celebrities and talk show hosts. Fake news even reports on itself, pretending to […]
By S.D. Wells
According to the Left, Americans are to blame for all disease outbreaks and violence, while all illegal immigrants are absolved of everything, even murder
Democrats are in continued desperation mode to get more voters to cheat the system so they can take back the tyrannical power they had under the former ruthless Dictator Barrack Hussein Obama. In 2019 and 2020, you will witness more planned and staged Antifa violence, more caravans of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding the border, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 FAKE NEWS liberal media stories of 2018 designed to keep the “sheeple” brainwashed and voting for more Democratic-Socialistic-Communistic abuse
Mainstream news is fake news, through and through. Nearly every story is twisted or straight up made up and fabricated out of thin air, all to support diabolical narratives that keep their clones highly emotional, frustrated, and distracted from anything and everything that really matters in this world. Even when the major networks, newspapers and […]
By S.D. Wells
Democrats LEAP to blame Trump for death of sick immigrant boy, even after his father denied CBP medical treatment
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials have documented an immigrant’s father saying that his son felt better after vomiting, and that he was declining further medical treatment for his son (even though the boy died later), but mainstream media has conveniently left out this immensely important fact from the news, in another sad and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 CONSPIRACY THEORIES of 2018 foisted and propagated on the American masses via mainstream media
Before the now infamous Edward Snowden revealed the NSA “Prism” and the fact that the Federal Government of the United States was indeed spying on every American citizen daily by collecting “metadata” via social media, emails, and even phone calls, anyone who would have claimed our government was that sneaky and evil would have immediately […]
By S.D. Wells
Have you heard of the 6 new EXTREME “religions” spreading like superbug infections across America?
You don’t have to join some insane cult nowadays to sacrifice your mind, health and basic human rights. All you have to do is join one of the new 6 religions taking foothold in America, where the fake news media, toxic food and noxious medicine has millions of “sheeple” believing in causes that, when fulfilled, […]
By S.D. Wells
Trump rescinds ban on GMOs? Wrong. Just a fake news tidal wave from the controlled mass media
For truth news seekers and Constitutionalists, Trump couldn’t be a better POTUS, but for protecting the environment, clean food, and the animals responsible for 75 percent of all U.S. food, he’s falling short – or so the fake news media would have us all believe. Limited farming for the purposes of wildlife food and habitat […]
By S.D. Wells
How REAL news exposed FAKE news before fake news claimed the reverse as their own cover up
Fake news has been around for decades, if not a century. Adolf Hitler used fake news posters and his insane eugenics theories before and during WWII to blame the Jews for all of Germany’s economic woes. Then there was the massive failure of the Vietnam War, where American media covered up the fact that thousands […]
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