News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
More Left-wing media fraud: Websites run by Newsweek Media Group caught running malicious code to commit ad fraud
As Facebook and Google soak up an ever-increasing share of online ad revenue — estimated to be approaching 80 percent — news and information websites are looking for creative ways to serve ads and make money from them. Some, like the Newsweek Media Group (NMG) , may even be bending the law in order to […]
By JD Heyes
White House press secretary hits back at fake news reports of “chaos” in the Trump White House; says McMaster departure report WRONG
It is well past the point that I believe anything advertised as a “bombshell” story by the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media involving the Trump administration when it first hits the wires. Why? Because in the vast majority of cases such stories turn out not to be bombshells but rather big, fat duds. Those that aren’t […]
By JD Heyes
Media spectacle involving DRUNK former Trump campaign aide poses serious question: Are ANY sources for “collusion” story even real?
Just when I really did think that the pathetic American Pravda media couldn’t get more pathetic, they prove me wrong. On Monday much of the country was introduced to former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg, a sort of ‘groupie’ who latched onto the future president’s bandwagon, was fired three times (the first time by Trump […]
By JD Heyes
Stupid SNOPES “fact checks” satire article that said CNN buys industrial washing machine to SPIN the news
Here’s more proof that a) liberals have no sense of humor; b) they’re knee-jerk and think with their hearts, not their minds; and c) they are some of the dumbest people you’re ever going to meet. As reported by Paula Bolyard at PJ Media, the speech Nazis at Facebook just threatened a satire site for […]
By JD Heyes
NY Times FINALLY gets around to reporting on Sweden’s immigrant gang problem a year after bashing Trump for pointing it out
About a year ago at a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Fla., President Donald J. Trump made a reference to growing social and criminal problems in Sweden caused by a massive influx of refugees from the war-torn Middle East. “You look at what’s happening. We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening […]
By JD Heyes
NRA’s Dana Loesch reveals why the so-called “journalists” at CNN are some of the lowest forms of life walking the planet today
Last week, proud Pravda member CNN staged the journalistic equivalent of a hit job on Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch disguised as a “town hall event” to discuss “solutions” to school shootings. Head ring leader Jake Tapper, who used to be a real journalist before hooking up with the […]
By JD Heyes
CNN condemns heroic student who shielded others as a “liar” because he won’t parrot left-wing gun control talking points
Straight up: CNN is no longer even pretending to be a “news” network, and instead has gone full-blown Marxist in pushing as much agitprop as possible because, obviously, the commies who work there are pushing Americans toward civil war. Case in point: The Salem witch hunt-like “town hall” meeting the network sponsored Wednesday evening, featuring a […]
By JD Heyes
CNN hosts a modern-day Salem Witch Trial: Angry Leftists shout “burn her!” at NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch
The country’s leading agitprop network, CNN, held a “town hall” event earlier this week ostensibly to ‘have a conversation’ with politicians and the country’s largest gun-rights organization following another horrific school shooting — this one in south Florida. Turns out the event was more Salem Witch Trial than conversation. It turned into a forum for […]
By JD Heyes
Florida shooting survivor David Hogg exposed as son of FBI deep state agent, caught reciting scripted talking points to trash Trump
President Donald J. Trump has been right about one thing all along: The American Pravda media is the biggest threat to our way of life and form of government in the history of our republic. The latest evidence of this is the disgusting manner in which the establishment press is turning some students who survived […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media LIES: No, the NRA did not “train” the Florida school shooter
The so-called “mainstream media” isn’t even trying to be unbiased and impartial anymore. In fact, in the age of Trump, the American Pravda media has shed any pretense of being fair or even honest, let alone fulfill its basic role of keeping the American people informed. This pathetic abdication of responsibility was on full display […]
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