News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Trump supporters kick white nationalists out of rally; left-wing media buries the story
There is so much dishonesty regarding President Donald Trump and his supporters in today’s Left-wing establishment media and pop culture that it’s nearly impossible to refute it all. Every day brings a new fake charge of racism, bigotry, hate-mongering, and homophobia. And while there may be some of those elements among Trump supporters – just […]
By JD Heyes
As Democrats call for abolishing immigration enforcement, NYT “fact check” outright LIES and claims Dems don’t want open borders
In recent days Democrats have latched onto a new “issue” they think is a ‘winner’ for the 2018 midterms and beyond: Abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The instigator of this lunacy is Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, who said last week that it’s time to “reimagine” the agency as something other than one dedicated […]
By JD Heyes
Deceptive media HIDES name and photograph of man who allegedly stabbed refugees… because he doesn’t fit the fake news narrative
In a video he made launching the #WalkAway movement, which encourages Democrats exasperated with their party’s rising intolerance, hate, vitriol, and violence directed at political opponents, Brandon Straka also took aim at the Left-wing establishment media over its blatant dishonesty. Not only does the media willfully publish fake news about ideological opponents, it crafts false […]
By JD Heyes
Journo-terrorism media now painting Trump VOTERS as “Nazis” who deserve to be murdered in the streets
The dishonest establishment media, which has been vicious to President Donald Trump, is now attempting to dehumanize him and his legions of supporters by comparing them to some of the most hated people in Earth’s history. Realizing that, despite more than 16 months’ worth of non-stop negative coverage they can’t crash his approval ratings low […]
By JD Heyes
Fact-checker for New Yorker resigns after falsely claiming ICE agent had Nazi tattoo
The unhinged Left-wing media has a new boogeyman (other than Donald Trump) they’re selling to their equally unhinged supporters: The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. The overwhelming majority of ICE agents are hard-working men and women doing their best to protect our country, our borders, and our citizens from criminal aliens. They work under […]
By JD Heyes
Leftists have the HITLER comparisons all backwards: Hitler invaded other nations by violating their borders; Trump wants to STOP the violation of our borders
The perpetually outraged Left has convinced itself that President Donald Trump and his supporters are modern-day incarnates of the National Socialist Party — Hitler’s Nazis — when in fact they’re the ones who more resemble members of that evil regime. In recent days, employees of Amazon sent a letter to company founder and CEO Jeff […]
By JD Heyes
TIME Magazine admits screaming migrant girl cover is FAKE news, but says it “captures” a real story, so it doesn’t matter
Earlier this week one of the establishment media’s oldest purveyors of fake news and propaganda, Time magazine, published a highly controversial magazine cover that immediately went viral. The cover features a crying two-year-old Honduran girl who appears to be looking up at President Donald Trump, who is looking back down at her dispassionately. The cover […]
By JD Heyes
FACT CHECK: 80% of illegal children trying to enter the United States arrive without their parents… they aren’t “separated” by ICE
The media insanity surrounding the fabricated “migrant child crisis” is hitting new heights by the day, with so much factually incorrect information being put out it’s hard to keep up with all of it. In defending his “zero tolerance” policy earlier this week — in which everyone caught and arrested for trying to enter the […]
By JD Heyes
Remember when “FEMA camps” were derided as a crazy conspiracy theory of the Far Right? Now MSNBC is claiming Trump runs “concentration camps” in America
Once upon a time during the Clinton presidency, there was concern shortly after the Democrat-led Congress passed and Bill Clinton signed an “assault weapons” ban, that POTUS was preparing mass gun confiscation and round-ups of all Americans thought capable of opposing the tyranny. What also began circulating around that time — the early-to-mid 1990s — […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats never cared about immigration detection centers while Obama was President… suddenly it’s a “manufactured crisis” for political gain
In what can only be described by reasonable people as pathetic political manipulation, seven Democratic lawmakers showed up at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility over the weekend and demanded access. The group of seven — New Jersey Reps. Bill Pascrell, Frank Pallone and Albio Sires, as well as fellow New York Reps. Jarrold […]
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