News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Elements of the Kashoggi murder story appears to be a massive, coordinated media HOAX
You can always tell these days what the disgustingly dishonest “establishment” media thinks will be ‘the thing’ that brings down POTUS Donald Trump because they cover the issue wall-to-wall and pretend as though it’s the most important thing ever, in the history of our country. This week the ‘issue’ was the likely murder of Jamal […]
By JD Heyes
NBC News totally exposed as a lying FAKE NEWS propaganda network desperately trying to destroy Brett Kavanaugh
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, so-called “establishment” media outlets have proven time and again they are more than willing to forego journalistic integrity and ethical standards for any opportunity to bash the president or destroy anyone associated with him. The latest media organization to sacrifice integrity and accuracy in an effort to destroy […]
By JD Heyes
USA Today smears Kavanaugh, implying he’s a pedophile… this is the media that claims to have a monopoly on “facts”
The so-called “mainstream” media’s coverage of the sexual assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has ranged from the bizarre to false to outright conspiratorial. But one outlet, USA Today, took its coverage to the lowest possible point, implying that a man who has obviously meticulously prepared for this point in his life […]
By JD Heyes
Latest Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick graduated high school in 1980, so why was she partying with minors in 1982?
On Wednesday sleazy lawyer Michael Avenatti revealed the identity of a third woman who is accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct while both were in high school. The woman, Julie Swetnick, says in a sworn statement that she was the victim of a “rape train” after being drugged or given grain alcohol engineered by […]
By JD Heyes
“Corroborating” signed statements against Kavanaugh are a media hoax; no corroboration is found in any of the statements
One of the “mainstream” media’s claims regarding a mounting series of allegations of sexual abuse by three women against POTUS Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is that the claims are credible because they’ve been corroborated or substantiated by others who were said to be present when the abuse took place. There’s just one […]
By JD Heyes
NYT deliberately buries critical facts in its reporting on Kavanaugh, proving yet again the NYT is the propaganda arm of the DNC
The examples of journalistic malpractice and political deference to the far-Left Democratic Party by The New York Times continue to mount, as the paper’s coverage of the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh proves. The Times was an early arrival to the story, publishing every breathless claim made against the nominee as […]
By JD Heyes
Accusations against Judge Kavanaugh begin to crumble as truth about his Left-wing accuser revealed
Recently, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee turned Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings into a chaotic joke, interrupting Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, with out-of-order demands, inane commentary, and a general lack of decorum. They were assisted in their disruptions by far-Left agitators who screamed and yelled so violently at times that some were […]
By JD Heyes
NYT published completely fake news about the cost of curtains for Nikki Haley’s residence… no shame, all lies
Unfortunately, there will always be a group of Americans who trust that the “establishment media” is honest and unbiased rather than the Left-wing, Democrat-favoring, generators of propaganda we’ve ever seen. The latest example of this propaganda comes from The New York Times, which can’t go more than a few days, it seems, without publishing intentionally […]
By JD Heyes
Bob Woodward is a LIAR and a fake news “journalist” who fabricates quotes: Two more officials denounce his fake reporting
Once upon a time, Bob Woodward was a formidable journalist with credibility to spare, having exposed – with partner Carl Bernstein – the Nixon-era Watergate scandal, putting their paper, The Washington Post, on the map of greats. But that was more than 40 years ago. Since then, Woodward has degenerated into a rumor-mongering hack who […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing news sites say weather control is impossible, then they claim Trump is generating hurricanes
Earlier this week the Editorial Board of The Washington Post published a piece that actually blamed Hurricane Florence on POTUS Donald Trump and, by default, every other major storm to hit the U.S. since he became a “climate change denier.” “Yet again,” the op-ed began, “a massive hurricane feeding off unusually warm ocean water has the […]
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