News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Same left-wing news media that claimed Alex Jones spread fake news about Sandy Hook school shooting is now itself spreading fake news to CAUSE a school shooting
Following the horrific December 2012 school shooting of young children and adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., talk radio host Alex Jones initially theorized that, based on some evidence he unearthed, the incident may have been staged. During a broadcast almost two years later, Jones said, “We’ve clearly got people where it’s […]
By JD Heyes
Far from being a “Vietnam veteran,” shady Native American HOAXER Nathan Phillips was actually a refrigerator mechanic who enlisted under a different name
The Native American activist who stirred controversy this week for getting in the face of a teenage Catholic student from Kentucky while beating a drum is likely regretting his actions. Nathan Phillips made news on Saturday after dozens of mainstream media (MSM) reports claimed he was victimized by mostly white students from Covington Catholic High […]
By JD Heyes
Lawyer: Fake news media must retract false reporting on Covington Catholic School students or face a wave of lawsuits for slander and defamation
Even though the First Amendment guarantees the right to a free press, there are still some legal limitations on what news organizations can publish. For instance, federal courts have upheld jail sentences for reporters who refuse to divulge sources of classified information. Also, obscenity is another type of speech that is not protected by the […]
By JD Heyes
Why the dishonest left-wing media owes a national apology to the Catholic students who were falsely smeared
Another day, another ‘gaffe’ by the disgusting dishonest “mainstream media” (MSM) which, in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, has completely abandoned any and all semblance of journalistic ethics. But unlike most previous MSM errors, this one has implications far beyond the fake narrative that was being reported. Over the weekend several groups gathered in […]
By JD Heyes
Covington Catholic student caught up in bogus “racist” incident with Native American provocateur BEGS local media to print the truth
Unlike Americans today, unless you live in a deep blue, far-Left, Democrat-dominated part of the country, our founding fathers had first-hand experience with tyranny. King George brooked no discourse and did not tolerate dissent. And he most certainly did not favor a free press, which is why our founders enshrined that principle as part of […]
By JD Heyes
Journo-terrorism: Democrat-aligned media promoted the endangerment of Catholic CHILDREN because of mindless Trump hate
Over the weekend the “mainstream media” (MSM) which, in the age of POTUS Trump, has so obviously become little more than a propaganda organ for the Democratic Left, slipped back into its “journo-terrorism” role by promoting harm to a group of Catholic youngsters whose only ‘crime’ was supporting the president. You may have heard that […]
By JD Heyes
“Bombshell” BuzzFeed story asserting Trump-Russia collusion turns out to be yet more fake news from the desperate Left
Well, that didn’t take long. Late last week Buzzfeed News, whose credibility had already taken a huge hit when the site decided to publish the bogus “Steele Dossier,” destroyed what remained of that credibility by publishing another “bombshell” that has now turned out to be a yuuuuge nothing burger. The story by “reporters” Anthony Cormier […]
By JD Heyes
NYT hit piece on Trump PROOF that the media is 100% controlled by the deep state, and its mission is to overthrow democracy
The so-called “mainstream media” has never been very kind or very fair to conservative and Republican presidents, at least not in modern history. But the way POTUS Donald Trump is being treated by the MSM is unprecedented. Integrity has been thrown out the window in an all-out effort to destroy his presidency. As much as […]
By JD Heyes
Unhinged TV stations now resorting to airing doctored Trump speech video that makes his face look distorted
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, the so-called “establishment” media has abandoned its principles of fairness, objectivity, and journalistic integrity in a mad dash to portray him as negatively as possible no matter what he says and no matter what he does. This was demonstrated once again last week when an editor with a […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media tries to “fact check” Trump speech, ends up confirming he’s RIGHT
The Left-leaning “mainstream” media tried its best to take apart POTUS Donald Trump’s Oval Office speech earlier this week by “fact-checking” everything he said. Desperate for any ‘gotcha’ moment they can produce, editors at one news network, CBS, thought they had the president on something he said, so they quickly pounced. The network published a […]
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