News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
SMALL number of mega-corporations now own ALL major media, as well as the monopolization of “facts”
With the exception of a few government agencies, monopolies are not supposed to exist in capitalist America. The reason for that is simple: If one company were to control one or more vital sectors of our economy and society, then that company could and likely would use its power for further self-enrichment at the expense […]
By JD Heyes
Lying mainstream media claims 3D printed gun PROPS are “3D-printed guns” even though they don’t function
There are so many misperceptions about so many of the most important issues of our day because the one institution charged with informing us — the “mainstream” media — is itself ill-informed or politically compromised. Nowhere is this more evident than in the coverage of firearms, gun rights, and the Second Amendment. Case in point: […]
By JD Heyes
Insanely dishonest “mainstream media” now pretending that Obama’s caging of migrant children was his humanitarian way of “protecting” them
In an interview with the media on Tuesday following a meeting at the White House with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, President Donald Trump finally, thankfully, pushed back against the “mainstream” media lie that his administration and, in particular, his outgoing DHS secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, were responsible for “caging” migrant children. POTUS told assembled media […]
By JD Heyes
How is what Julian Assange has done with Wikileaks any different than U.S. newspaper coverage of Watergate or the Pentagon Papers?
Once upon a time, American newspapers and broadcast networks actually did report real news — bombshell, breakthrough stuff that was important and reflected the journalistic ethic of “truth.” And while many journalists of the day favored liberal politics, you didn’t know it because they weren’t overt about their political philosophies and their coverage of events […]
By JD Heyes
The top media co-conspirators in the Deep State’s failed coup attempt against POTUS Trump, and why you can never trust them again
When most people hear the phrase “Deep State” they often correctly think of a person who is likely associated with federal law enforcement, the political establishment, or the U.S. intelligence community. Rarely do they consider that American media figures are part of a Deep State cabal seeking to undermine the will of the people. And […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats TERRORIZE themselves with endless parade of fake hate crime hoaxes and made-up fake news
In this day and age, when the president’s detractors are stricken with severely advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome, it shouldn’t be a surprise when we hear another virtue-signaling Hollywood Leftist make some outrageous and completely unsubstantiated claim about No. 45. As you may have read, most of Hollywood erupted after gay actor Jussie Smollett, star of […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing kook David Brooks blames the fake news media’s nonstop coverage of the Russian collusion hoax on President Trump and Sean Hannity
For an American cultural and political commentator, David Brooks makes a pretty good…Canadian. Described as a “center-right” politico who hails from Toronto but has resided for years in Washington, D.C., Brooks used his New York Times forum to blame two people who are the least responsible for perpetuating the “Russian collusion” hoax that special counsel […]
By JD Heyes
Is it time for Americans to take legal action against the “mainstream” media for lying to us over the bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” allegations?
Several times over the past two-plus years, the so-called “mainstream media,” which long ago became a propaganda organ for the Democratic Party, published “bombshell” stories about POTUS Donald Trump and his administration, alleging that they were doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding. “For 675 days, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC engaged in a fake news binge […]
By JD Heyes
Russia hoax COLLAPSES: Not a single American charged with collusion with Russia; left-wing media has been LYING all along
Well, that was a bust, but an expensive one — in real dollars and in terms of our country’s political health. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report regarding his “witch hunt” probe of POTUS Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign over allegations of “collusion” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton has proven two things. […]
By JD Heyes
Astonishing bias: 452 Islamic terror attacks in 31 countries just THIS YEAR (so far) and zero coverage from the media
The vast majority of Americans have come to expect biased coverage from the so-called “mainstream media,” and what’s more, they have come to expect that coverage will be designed to advance the Democrats’ Left-wing agenda. That’s according to some of the most recent polling data available. But additional evidence also supports the contention that what […]
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